Generating code from templates using Python and Jinja2
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Generating code from templates using Python and Jinja2
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Templates are very useful and can save us a lot of time. If you work writing contracts in an energy company, for example, instead of re-writing the same contract from scratch for every new costumer, you can reuse the same contract as a template, replacing only the name and address field with the new costumer’s name and address and, like MAGIC, you will have the new contract ready in minutes.
The same way, you can use Python and Jinja2 to auto generate files from templates. I usually use it to generate testbenches or SystemVerilog files.
As an example, lets auto generate a simple testbench file to test a system verilog module. Note that this example shows something I usually generate. You can adapt the template file to generate what you want/need.
The testbench file we want to generate, should have a module name equal to tb_module_name and it must instantiate the module that will be tested and connect its ports to a interface _if.
The information that we have available:
The name of a module and a list of port —> Imagine this as being the name and address of the new costumer, like in the Energy contract example.
A template file
Available info:
import pathlib from jinja2 import Template # Module name and list of ports name. We will use this info to generate our # template mod_name = "ram_dp_sr_sw" port_lst = [ "clk", "address_0", "data_0", "cs_0", "we_0", "oe_0", "address_1", "data_1", "cs_1", "we_1", "oe_1"]
Template file:
// The module name should be replace by the module being instantiated module tb_{{module_name}} // Module instance will be added here {{module_name}} dut ( {%- for port in port_lst[:-1] %} .{{port}}(_if.{{port}}), {%- endfor %} .{{port_lst[-1]}}(_if.{{port_lst[-1]}}) ); initial begin // ... end endmodule
All we need to do is to render the template passing the module name and list of ports as arguments.
# Load template content using jinja2's Template function mod_template = Template(pathlib.Path("./template.sv").read_text()) # render template. Note that we are passing the module name and the list of # ports as arguments to render the template mod_text = mod_template.render(module_name=mod_name, port_lst=port_lst) # save result to a file with open(f'{mod_name}.sv', 'w') as fid: fid.write(mod_text)
This is the final result:
module tb_ram_dp_sr_sw ram_dp_sr_sw dut ( .clk(_if.clk), .address_0(_if.address_0), .data_0(_if.data_0), .cs_0(_if.cs_0), .we_0(_if.we_0), .oe_0(_if.oe_0), .address_1(_if.address_1), .data_1(_if.data_1), .cs_1(_if.cs_1), .we_1(_if.we_1), .oe_1(_if.oe_1) ); initial begin // add code here end endmodule
Jinja2 can do a lot more than what I am showing at this simple example. If you are interested in using Jinja2, check the references below:
Real Python: Primer on Jinja Templating: Very good tutorial. Contain several examples using Jinja2 to generate HTML from templates.